Property Management Blog

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When and How to Raise Rental Prices

Raising rental prices is an important aspect of property management that requires careful consideration. As a landlord, it is crucial to understand when and how to increase rent to ensure that the process is both legal and fair. Raising rent is a way to keep up with inflation, property maintenance costs, and market changes. However, […]

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Apartment Renovations

Apartment renovations

Are you a landlord trying to juggle tenant satisfaction, budget constraints and apartment renovations? Renovating apartments can be a daunting task, but it’s a crucial investment to maintain property value and attract quality tenants. Balancing the need for modern upgrades with financial considerations can seem overwhelming, yet the rewards of a well-renovated space are worth […]

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7 Tips To Welcoming New Tenants

Are you struggling to make a positive first impression on your new tenants? As a landlord, welcoming new tenants effectively is crucial for fostering a balanced and long-lasting relationship. A warm and professional welcome sets the tone for future interactions and helps tenants feel valued and comfortable in their new home. From thoughtful gestures to […]

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What You Should Consider When Creating a Rent Increase Notice Letter

What You Should Consider When Creating a Rent Increase Notice Letter

Creating a rent increase notice is a necessary part of property management for landlords. It involves delicately balancing the need to maintain a property’s profitability with preserving good relationships with tenants. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you craft an effective rent increase notice letter. Understand Local Laws and Regulations Before drafting your rent increase […]

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Staging Your Rental Property for Maximum Impact

Staging Your Rental Property for Maximum Impact

Attracting quality tenants quickly and maximizing your rental income are two of the most significant challenges landlords face. The secret to overcoming them could lie in of staging your property. Staging isn’t just about making your rental look pretty; it’s about creating an environment that potential renters can instantly connect with and see themselves living […]

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Pros and Cons of Renting to Students

Pros and Cons of Renting to Students

Renting properties to students can be a lucrative venture for landlords, offering a steady stream of demand and potentially higher profits. However, it also comes with its own set of challenges, including concerns about property damage and irresponsible behaviour.  In this article, we’ll explore the benefits and drawbacks of renting to students, along with suggested […]

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Things Landlords Should Be Doing Every Year But Probably Aren’t

Things Landlords Should Be Doing Every Year But Probably Aren’t

There are several duties associated with being a landlord. With everything involved in property management, it’s possible to overlook some crucial responsibilities. Don’t worry Real Canadian Property Management Solutions is here to help! We’ll go over some of the duties and inspections that every landlord ought to be performing in this blog post. You’ll have […]

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13 Tips to Have Better Relationships with Your Alberta Tenants

Maintaining positive relationships with tenants is super important for landlords to focus on. A good landlord-tenant dynamic fosters a stable rental environment and ensures a steady income for property owners.  The property managers at Real Canadian Property Management Solutions know how important a positive landlord-tenant relationship is. In today’s blog post, we’ll give you practice […]

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Mastering the Art of Rent Collection: Strategies for On-Time Payments

For landlords, the consistent and timely collection of rent is the lifeblood of a successful rental property business. Rent payments ensure that you can cover your mortgage, and property maintenance, while also generating a steady income. However, managing rent collection can be challenging, especially when dealing with diverse tenants and ever-evolving payment methods. As a […]

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