Best Ways to Communicate with Tenants: Email, Text, or Call?

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Having excellent tenant-landlord communication is essential for both parties. When it comes time to discuss rent payments, repairs, or other issues relating to the property, you want to make sure your tenants feel heard and respected. 

But what’s the best way to communicate? Should you rely on email? Text message? Make phone calls? As a landlord, you may feel confused about each method’s purpose — but don’t worry! 

In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of each communication method and provide insights to help you determine the most suitable one for your situation.

Email Communication

Email allows you to communicate quickly, clearly, and efficiently while providing a formality level. In addition, it offers the following benefits:

  • Ability to send detailed messages: you can include long explanations or instructions in an email. This ensures tenants understand the message you are trying to convey and eliminates confusion.
  • Can be easily referenced and tracked: if there is a dispute between you and the tenant, emails provide a written record of what was said. It makes the process of resolving disputes much more manageable, and it creates an easy point of reference for both parties.
  • Provides a convenient way to send documents: email lets you attach documents to your messages. If you need to pass along important documents or require documents quickly from your tenants, consider using email as a communication method.


Tips for Effective Email Communication

  • Always address the tenant by name. Greeting them helps create a connection between sender and receiver.
  • Make sure to include all your information, such as name, phone number, and other relevant contact information. This way, tenants can contact you if they have further questions or need assistance.
  • Be professional and courteous. Respectful communication ensures messages are taken seriously and correctly understood, and all parties feel comfortable. This helps foster positive landlord-tenant relationships.
  • Write a clear subject line and make sure the subject line summarizes your email’s content so tenants know what action needs to be taken.
  • Proofread before sending! Always double check your emails for spelling and grammar mistakes before sending to avoid any misunderstandings.

Text Messages

Texting is a great option to communicate with tenants, especially if you need to get in touch quickly or exchange short messages. Text messages have the following advantages:

  • Quick response: tenants can respond quickly to text messages, so it’s an efficient way to get in touch.
  • Easy to access: most people have their phones on them at all times, so texts are always accessible.
  • Can be sent to multiple tenants simultaneously: with a few clicks, you can send the same text message to a group of tenants.


Tips for Effective Texting

  • Always use professional language. While texts are more informal, the key to being a great landlord is to remain respectful and professional.
  • Keep messages clear and concise. Make sure your message is easily understood using simple language and avoiding jargon or slang.
  • Be mindful of timeliness. If you don’t get a response right away, try not to send too many texts quickly, as this can be viewed as intrusive or annoying.

Phone calls

Phone calls are an ideal way to communicate with tenants, especially if you need to discuss complicated topics or make crucial decisions. Phone calls offer the following advantages:

  • Ability to have a real time conversation: with phone calls, you can exchange ideas and ask questions in real time. This ensures all parties understand the conversation and provides problem solving opportunities. 
  • Opportunity to gauge tenant’s reaction: with phone calls, you can better understand the tenant’s feelings and reaction to what you are saying. This helps you better understand how tenants feel about what is being said and make sure they understand correctly.
  • Personal touch: talking to someone over the phone allows for a more personal connection, which helps build strong relationships with tenants.


Tips for Effective Phone Calls

  • Always introduce yourself. Start the conversation by explaining why you are calling.
  • Speak slowly and clearly. Make sure to speak comfortably so both parties have time to understand what is being said.
  • To be a communicative landlord, be patient and allow the tenant to ask questions and address any points of clarification before moving on to the next topic.
  • Summarize at the end. Always recap what was discussed during the call so everyone knows what action needs to be taken.
  • Follow up with an email. After the call, follow up with a written summary of the conversation. This will confirm that tenants have a record of what was discussed and any action items.

Choosing the Best Method

When communicating with tenants, selecting the most appropriate method for the situation is essential. Here are a few factors to consider when deciding which method will be most effective:

  • Consider the urgency: the message’s urgency decides whether it is best to use email, text, or phone. If you need an instant reply, texting or phone calls are best. If the topic isn’t urgent, emails can work just as well.
  • Think about the recipient’s preference: some people prefer emails, while others prefer phone calls. Consider the tenant’s preferences when choosing a communication method.
  • Consider the complexity: complex topics may require more detailed communication than simple ones. Phone calls and emails are best for complex topics, allowing for a more in depth discussion.


By considering these factors, you can make sure that you choose the most effective way to communicate with tenants. This will help foster healthy relationships and keep everyone on the same page.

Bottom Line

Email, text messaging, and phone calls are all great ways to keep in touch. But it’s essential to consider the urgency, recipient’s preference, and complexity of the topic when selecting the best method of communication. It’s best to use a combination of emails, texts, and phone calls for maximum effectiveness.

Real Canadian Property Management Solutions can assist you in communicating effectively with tenants and maintaining positive relationships. A comprehensive property management company makes managing your properties simpler and easier. Contact us today to get started!

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